Professor David Ewins (Mechanical Engineering):
Damage Detection in structures using scanning laser vibration measurement technology
The project is concerned with a new method of detecting damage (e.g. small cracks) in structures by scanning a laser measurement device across the surface of the structure while it is being vibrated. The resulting vibration signal is processed using an advanced identification procedure to reveal any abnormal features in the vibration pattern, as compared with a that from a standard, undamaged, structure. Discovery of such abnormalities is then used to identify the source of the damage.
The entire project involves conducting measurements on vibrating plates using computer controlled laser instruments, plus analyzing and interpreting the resulting data. Skills required for participation in the project include any combination of (i) experimental techniques, (ii) using existing computer programmes to analyse measured data, and (iii) developing codes for new analysis tasks.
전에 이 주제에 대해서 재밌는 특강을 들은 적이 있는데,
이걸로 4주동안 연구 프로젝트에 참가한다고 하니 잘된 것 같다 ㅎㅎ
Damage Detection in structures using scanning laser vibration measurement technology
The project is concerned with a new method of detecting damage (e.g. small cracks) in structures by scanning a laser measurement device across the surface of the structure while it is being vibrated. The resulting vibration signal is processed using an advanced identification procedure to reveal any abnormal features in the vibration pattern, as compared with a that from a standard, undamaged, structure. Discovery of such abnormalities is then used to identify the source of the damage.
The entire project involves conducting measurements on vibrating plates using computer controlled laser instruments, plus analyzing and interpreting the resulting data. Skills required for participation in the project include any combination of (i) experimental techniques, (ii) using existing computer programmes to analyse measured data, and (iii) developing codes for new analysis tasks.
전에 이 주제에 대해서 재밌는 특강을 들은 적이 있는데,
이걸로 4주동안 연구 프로젝트에 참가한다고 하니 잘된 것 같다 ㅎㅎ